• Booth #39• Owner is Pam Smith
• Selling antiques and vintage since 2015
Booth Description:
Eclectic American antiques and collectibles.
How'd you get into the business?:
By collecting so many things that I had duplicates of duplicates!
What's been your best find?:
I can't decide between two things. It's either a 1958, all original, Vendolator 81 Coke machine found in Victoria, British Columbia which was filled with 1962 Canadian nickels or a 1970s British Marmet pram which I walked each of my 3 kids to Safeway in and used the extra space in it as my grocery cart.
What do you collect?
Vintage tins, classic toys, wooden advertising boxes, made in Ireland Waterford Crystal, old silver, hand carved bread boards and knives, enamel bread bins, candy machines and old hand carved wooden bowls.
What are you always looking for?
Unrestored Vendo Coke machines from the 1960s.